Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening at Melbourne
The teeth whitening process provides a reliable option for our patients who desire a brighter looking smile. At the Dental House, we offer professional whitening in our clinic or can provide you with an easy to apply take-home teeth whitening system. Our team of professionals will do a full exam and evaluation and go over the best options for your needs, to help you get the smile you deserve.
Why Teeth Whitening?

Why Teeth Whitening?
Patients today want to look their best. Some people want to look good when speaking in front of others, some want that perfect picture on social media, while others may feel a brighter smile can help them stand out for a job interview or promotion. Still others want to maintain a youthful look that a brighter smile can bring. No matter what your reason is, the process is easy and safe with our team of gentle and caring professionals.

The Process
Professional teeth whitening can be done in our office or we can create a whitening system for you to use at home. We begin with an exam to see which procedure is best for you. Next, we clean your teeth and create a whitening solution to fit your needs. Then, we can apply it or create a whitening kit for you to take home, and apply when you are ready. It’s really that simple.
The Process

Dental Clinic Teeth Whitening
An in-office procedure for professional teeth whitening is the safest and most popular method used by our patients. After we perform a thorough dental exam, we will clean your teeth of any plaque and debris, which will provide a clean palette for the whitening gel. Once the cleaning is complete and your mouth is dry, your dental professional will apply a solution to coat your teeth and allow it to set while you relax. Then your dentist will use the Zoom 2 Chair-side Lamp to activate the solution and expedite the whitening process.
Having the procedure performed here in our clinic allows our professionals to apply a stronger solution while ensuring your gums are protected from irritation. We will oversee the process from cleaning to completion, and ensure we get the results you desire. And a stronger whitening solution means the application time is shorter, giving you a brighter smile in less time.
At Home Teeth Whitening System
If your teeth and gums are healthy, you can request an at-home whitening system. After a thorough dental exam to ensure your oral health is sufficient, we will create a solution and a dental tray just for you. You then take it home and apply the gel and insert the tray over your teeth when you are ready. You professional will instruct how long the solution should remain to give you the best results.
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Some of Our Patients’ Results
Is Teeth Whitening for Everyone?
There are many reasons why teeth become discoloured. Genetics or food and other external factors may play a role in the colour of your teeth. Tooth discolouration might be extrinsic or intrinsic, and the reason for discolouration will determine if you are a candidate for teeth whitening.
Teeth discolouration may be extrinsic, intrinsic, or a combination of both. The type of discolouration will be determined during a dental exam, but not all discolouration responds to teeth whitening procedures. Some types of discolouration may be prevented, while some are inherited. Our gentle and caring professionals will determine if teeth whitening is right for you. These are some of the most common causes of yellowing or darkening teeth:

Get a Professional Experience
In some cases, certain whitening products may cause tooth sensitivity, gum irritation and can even turn teeth grey. Some products may even damage teeth if they are used incorrectly. At the same time, teeth whitening is not for everyone. For example, women who are pregnant or nursing should hold off, and those with untreated gum disease or tooth decay should avoid the process.
Our caring dental professionals will evaluate your individual needs and prepare your teeth for the process, so you get excellent results. We can determine the best strength for your whitening gel and how long it should be used, so you get the surest and safest solution. And you will get a brighter smile with the comfort of knowing a team of professionals is looking out for you.

Get a Professional Experience

Our caring dental professionals will evaluate your individual needs and prepare your teeth for the process, so you get excellent results. We can determine the best strength for your whitening gel and how long it should be used, so you get the surest and safest solution. And you will get a brighter smile with the comfort of knowing a team of professionals is looking out for you.

Download Price List
While we agree that you can’t put a price on good health (especially when it comes to your teeth), we understand the reality of family budgets. That’s why we offer flexible treatment options and family-affordable pricing. You might say the only thing average about Dental House is our prices.
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Teeth Whitening Blogs
Why Has One of My Teeth Become Discoloured?
So if you have noticed one of your teeth is becoming discoloured, it is a good idea to get it checked out as early as possible…
Will Teeth Whitening Make My Teeth Sensitive?
Teeth Whitening Teeth Whitening Hi, I’m Dr Miff, one of the gentle dentists from Dental House...
What Causes Tooth Discolouration?
Tooth discolouration falls into three different categories: extrinsic, intrinsic, and age-related. With extrinsic tooth discolouration,…

Call Today
Whether you’d like an initial exam, teeth cleaning or a whitening kit, we are ready to provide you with the compassion and experience to find the right solution for you. Call today and let one of our team members help you create the bright and youthful smile that you deserve.
Disclaimer: The material posted is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary with each patient. Any dental procedure carries risks and benefits. If you have any specific questions about any dental and/or medical matter, you should consult your dentist, physician or other professional healthcare providers.
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